The company will operate in business development, branding, advertising and media communications, and each local office will operate with a maximum of about 35 people, led by a local entrepreneur and majority local owned.Definitely an interesting approach. Hopefully it will prove more successful than boymeetsgirl.
He said Law & Kenneth would do away with layers of global networks and take advantage of specialisations in each office. Stockholm will be the centre for interactive advertising, London for strategy and much production work will be handled in Asia.
"To put it plainly, having a worldwide creative director is of no use in one of the biggest markets like China, where new brands will start driving the world in the coming future, when he or she doesn't even know the language, the culture or the sensitivity of that market's corporate culture," Mr Law said.
In six months it plans to have offices in China, Germany, South Africa, Russia, Italy, South Korea, Japan and the United States. The aim is to have 18 offices within the next year.
"We aim to keep the independence and freedom of each market as much as they are strongly linked to the larger purpose of the brand Law & Kenneth," said Praveen Kenneth, the former chief executive of St Luke's India, who will be co-chairman and managing director.
Monday, MediaGuardian published an article where Andy Law talks about his new venture and how he aims to "add value, lower costs and succeed where his last venture, boymeetsgirl, failed."
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