Comments are down...hopefully they should be back up later today if all goes as planned.

Pepperidge Farm about to break new campaign- "Six new animated television ads (in 15- and 30-second versions) promote Pepperidge Farm icon products-like Chocolate Chunk and Milano cookies, Farmhouse and Swirl breads, and Texas Toast frozen garlic bread-and introduce the newest addition to the brand portfolio, Mini distinctive cookies. Using animation for almost all components of the commercial-including the products it's promoting-is unusual for the food category, and a first for Pepperidge Farm. The star of the campaign is an animated character who was designed to personify the company's commitment to delivering quality taste, freshness, and caring to the cookie, bread, and frozen aisles. The character, who lives in the "Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse" with his family, is clearly proud of the wonderful products he delivers, and is delighted to share them with everyone he meets. Sometimes he's sweet, other times a little nutty-but he always has the best intentions. He's as basic as bread and delightful as a cookie. And his offbeat likeability always brings a smile to your face."
"New York said on Tuesday it has signed a $166 million deal making Snapple the city's official drink of choice. The deal will make Snapple the exclusive provider of drinks in the city's 1,200 schools and will also see the company's drinks being sold in parks and other city facilities. As part of the deal, Snapple will also pitch for the Big Apple, promising that some of its advertising will promote New York to tourists."
Yay for Mr. Goodby!- At the AAAA Account Planning Conference, Mr. Goodby complained that account planners were not sufficiently involved in the creative process. "I heard planners talk about being disenfranchised from ideas and people complaining that planners took the instinct out of advertising," Mr. Goodby said. "All this was really bad. It seems unlikely that this is just happening at my agency. We are one of the dyed-in-the-wool planning agencies." He suggested account planners should try and change their demeanor. "Be less confrontational. Planners shouldn't decide whether the work is right or wrong; creatives hate absolutism and truth. There is a perception that we have to separate dead campaigns from live ones. Guide, don't judge. Planning is not an end, it's a means to an end." He did issue two more recommendations to encourage improvements. He pleaded with planners to kick the habit of focus groups and come up with something more insightful, and suggested that planners seek a change of moniker."
There is such a gap in a lot of cases between the planners, AEs and creatives. And it shouldn't be so. Everyone should understand and respect each others jobs, since in a way, at the end of the day, it's a team effort. Sadly, in a lot of places, that's just not the case. And the work shows it.
The Best A Brand Can Get- a great article by Mr. Foster. Read this now. :-)
DOH!- Newsquest has issued an apology after one of its newspapers mistakenly published an advert featuring the World Trade Centre towers. The Basingstoke Extra ran the picture of the Twin Towers as part of a promotional advert with the strapline 'Take the leap of faith...'. Bosses say they were unaware that the image used was that of the Twin Towers, and that at no point during the production process did it give anyone cause for concern."
(UPDATE: an article was found by Dab with images of the ad.)
Magazines have to go further for ad dollars- "While special advertising sections are nothing new, the heightened production values are. Magazine companies are investing more time and money and sometimes their editorial staffs to see that special sections like these leave advertisers feeling a little special as well. "Special sections have always been around, but now they have gone on steroids," said Michael A. Clinton, executive vice president and chief marketing officer at Hearst Magazines. "They have become much more complex and sophisticated." They are also less lucrative than regular advertising, leaving some in the industry wondering whether advertisers are being taught that an elaborate, custom editorial package is a better environment for their marketing messages than the magazine. Sometimes, in an effort to meet the increasing demands of clients, publishers have engaged in tactics that leave some in the industry wagging a finger and readers scratching their heads over what separates editorial content from advertising. Editorial executives say they are seeing more blurring of that line than ever."
Ads that Make News survey is out. The 118 118 ads got first, followed by Walkers crisps campaign, and the Virgin Mobile anti-orange campaign.
The Advertising Show is a newish radio show all about...yeah that's right...advertising. Donny Deutsch is the guest for this Saturday. Interesting idea.
Even as KFC is in the middle of an agency shootout for its advertising account, the fast-food chain is asking its consumers to pitch in on ad duties. The Yum Brands chicken chain is giving consumers a chance to create their own "reality TV" commericals to promote KFC's popcorn chicken. It would be the chain's first attempt at reality TV spots, a spokeswoman said. The contest asks consumers to top an existing KFC ad that broke Sept. 1. That spot shows a man in a reclining chair tossing a piece of chicken in front of him that is then volleyed into his mouth by a giant fan. A second spot shows a person tossing chicken pieces from a city rooftop. In addition to having their commercial aired "as is" in prime time in October, contest winners will receive $10,000, and two runners-up win $5,000. Participants must turn in their commercials by Sept. 23. KFC is backing the effort with a KFC Bigger, Better Fan Club sweepstakes at its Web site, www.kfc.com, where those who register are automatically entered for a chance to win a trip for two to the 2004 Super Bowl XXXVIII in Houston."
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