Okay, now I find this extremely odd. I was just checking out the situation on AdultSwim.com because they have taken my beloved Futurama off the air. Apparently it was due to running too many re-runs, so they put Home Movies on instead. Now I like that show too but it's no Futurama. Anyways, on the message boards at adultswim.com, someone posted that Futurama is on TBS at 2pm and Family Guy is on afterwards. Crikey! In the middle of the day? Who the hell is around to watch it at that time? Dang it, I wish they'd air it a bit later in the evenings! Maybe it's time to invest in one of them TiVo or Replay thing-a-ma-jigs.
I'd love to see Adult Swim pick up new Futurama, and apparently some of the newer episodes will start airring again on Nov. 2nd...which is tooo far away. Bastards. I'm glad they will be bringing it back though, so I suppose I shouldn't swear at them too much, but...gak, us Futurama fans get screwed by F0x(them idiots!) and now...a break on Adult Swim. Although I guess it being on TBS is a bonus...if you set the VCR. And only two more episodes of the show left until the end...
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