'Offensive' condom ad banned in UK- A great ad killed off by complaints...what's new? Click on link for image of ad- or go here.
Sizing up advertising shock tactics- "Whether an ad is acceptable to the public and to the relevant advertising authority depends mainly on the editorial environment in which the creative appears. Outdoor is different from other formats because it is a pure advertising medium. The only “editorial” context is the public and the Advertising Standards Authority’s definition of taste and decency. The fact that posters are still the most complained-about medium, according to the ASA’s 2002 figures, is simply because they are the most impactful medium. They can’t be turned off or tuned out. No 9 o’clock watershed, no 18+ category, no top shelf."
Reality TV fading on network TV- All I can say is thank god. Enough is enough. Networks are realizing that there's more money to be made in shows that can be syndicated, like sitcoms. Unfortunately, there are very few good sitcoms out there now, and even fewer coming this fall from the descriptions of the new line ups.
San Fran does up ads for non-profit groups- Four ads to check out here...the article discusses the freedom and challenges of creating pro-bono advertising.
Cannes to add new award category- "A new award to honor innovation will be added to this year's Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival. The new prize, called the Titanium Lion, was created at least in part over how difficult it is to award groundbreaking work like the BMW Films campaign that doesn't fit neatly into a single category."
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