Onesome: Family- Hmmm... It seems like this weekend is a get together time for some people. How about you? Do you have a family gig to attend this weekend? Hosting one? ...or are you spending the weekend doing weekend things? I have one family thing this weekend. But the rest of the weekend is going to be mostly normal weekend things.
Twosome: Waffle- Okay, here's the tough one: Waffles or Pancakes? You should hear the discussions in some households! ...and what about those Belgian things? Inquiring minds want to know! Ooh this is a tough call to make. I really like both of them. I have the hardest time deciding between them at restaurants.
Threesome: & Grill- The outdoor cooking season is close at hand! For those who live large outdoors, are we talking grilling or barbecuing? If you enjoy cooking outside, what is your specialty? ...and for the indoor crowd: do you cook anything reminiscent of outdoor cookery? We don't have a grill, although I'd love to have one. Someday maybe. But I do have a cast iron grill pan that simulates grilled food pretty well. I like grilling up veggies and burgers and chicken.
Thursday Thumb-Twiddler
1. "Life is like a mountain." Discuss. It's daunting to look at, and while you climb it as well, but when you get to the top, the view is amazing. I guess you could also say that one's life sticks out amongst the rest like a mountain sticks up in the landscape.
2. "Life is like a river." Defend. It ebbs and flows like a river. You may hit an eddy along the way, but those are called lessons that you have to get through in order to move on.
3. "Life is like an open plain." Explain. Um. I guess they are similar in that the possibilites for the future are vast like the space of an open plain. (??)
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