Thursday Threesome - View From Afar
Onesome: View- What is your favorite scenic site, either around your place, where you've traveled, or just that one special picture (like that Ansel Adams "Half Dome" shot)? The view of the ocean, when you're just sitting on the beach, watching the waves crash on the sand.
Twosome: From- How far is it from home to work? Are you a long distance commuter or do you just schlep on into the dining room/office? Anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. Although some days, when I don't have a real job, it's just schleping to the study to do job research.
Threesome: Afar- for the travelers out there, just how far have you gone? I mean, is the trip to Grandma's about it? ...or have you made it farther abroad? Furthest I've traveled so far is Italy. I'd like to change that some day though.
Thursday Thumb-Twiddler
1. You've been given the chance to go back to a point in your life and change a single decision you made; you'll lose everything that happened since then, but you'll get to live in the shiny new parallel timeline that develops. Would you? What would you change? And would you want to keep the memory of this timeline, too? I don't know that I would. I guess really the only thing I'd change that I can think of, is looking for jobs while I had one, instead of thinking everything was going to be ok.
2. If you could legally sell your vote in the next Presidential election -- hand someone a signed, blank ballot in exchange for money -- would you do it? And what price would you ask? I wouldn't.
3. What one object to you own that has the most sentimental value to you? The most...that's a tough one. Lots of things have different sentimental values because of the different people they are associated with.
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